5 Free and Paid Online Project Management Tools

Aug 13, 2022 ,

Project management requires a business to be organized as they plan, manage, secure and organize their resources to attain a specific target. Projects are usually temporary tasks and have particular goals as well as beginning and end date. Using online project management tools helps with the various aspects that go into the endeavor, like as the communication, time management, allocating tasks, budget control and keeping the team members on the project up – to – date on all aspects. Every business regardless of size can benefit from using an online project management tool as a way to organize the process and keep the communication lines open.

Not all project management tool is created equal, so here are the best and must have tools to look for before choosing the one that suits your project.

1. QuickScrum

Quickscrum is a versatile project management system used by leading companies. This is all in one tool that comes with loaded features to eradicate the need for having various different tools to run a business.


  • Community and research-based continuous design. Since inception, the company has been committed to its agile community roots.
  • Expert training and coaching
  • Makes task management relaxing for teams

2. Basecamp

Basecamp is one of the most famous online project management tool used by many business owners, freelancers, and large companies. It has all the needed features at one place guiding project members to know what to do and ensures nothing can slip through the holes.


  • Easy- to – use interface
  • Document and file storage
  • Message board and schedules

3. Freshdesk

Freshdesk is a project management software with a complete set of tools to help organizations support the need of clients. It’s simple to use and a great deal for the money.


  • Easy to customize
  • Integrated live chat and customer support
  • Great email messaging

4. Smartsheet

SnartSheet is a portable PM software that can help teams to plan tasks collaborate, report and time tracking. The cloud-based software has some excellent features that bring it on the list of top PM tools.


  • Helps in team collaboration
  • Automatic request updates
  • Safe permission control
  • File attachment from Dropbox, GDrive and more

5. Flock

Flock is a team collaboration hub loaded with plenty of productivity features. It is basically a messaging and communication tool tailored for project management. It steers efficient and boosts the execution of speed.


  • Real-time collaboration
  • A few clicks to video call
  • Can share all times of files
  • Allows you to invite guests to work
  • Create notes to effectively collaborate with teams on the go.

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