Benefits Of Hiring React Development Company In Ukraine

Sep 5, 2022

As JavaScript becomes more popular, the demand for JS and React developers increases exponentially. Many companies are looking for ReactJS developers to develop web projects and mobile apps.

JavaScript is supported by all modern web browsers and used by the majority of websites. According to Stack Overflow, JavaScript remains the most widely used programming language.

React.js framework popularity

ReactJS, an open-source JavaScript library, allows us to create reusable UI components and develop user interfaces specifically for single-page apps. In simple words, React is a great solution for complex application development.

React.js is the most popular JavaScript framework. Large enterprises and startups use it to ensure faster and more efficient development, promote scalability, and take advantage of high code reusability.

React has been holding on to the top of the most popular JS frameworks in the global developer charts over the last couple of years. We explain in detail below why web development with React is so popular, what React can do, and the benefits React.js offers for app development.

React development advantages

The first and most obvious advantage of React JS over other JavaScript libraries is its ease of use. It’s easy to get started with React if you have already used the JavaScript programming language and know all essential functions.

React.js allows coders to create reusable components. Any UI element you have already coded can be used anywhere in the project. With React, you can group these elements into sections or pages and insert them anywhere in the project with the same features. Ultimately, you get less code, less time spent, easier testing, and more consistency. This significantly reduces app development costs and product delivery time.

You can update React JS components in seconds. The developer only needs to define the logic of each component once and maintain the changes to the selected elements either as a whole or individually.

React.js implementation is not limited to game applications, even Facebook is written with React.js. Many complex single-page applications, both web, and mobile are also built using this JS framework.

Outsourcing React.js development

Outsourcing React development is an efficient way to get the most out of the framework’s features. If you are wondering how to get an outsourcing JavaScript development vendor for your business, check JS companies in Ukraine. And we explain below why.

Building and maintaining an in-house team is expensive. In the long run, the cost of hiring talent, onboarding developers, investing in talent management software, paying office rent and utility bills is significantly higher than the cost of working with an outsourcing company for React development on a project basis.

Finding a dedicated team and a React development firm in Ukraine is considered a good option for a startup or a company looking for cost efficiency and reliability. Some Ukrainian IT firms, such as ELITEX, have also expertise in other JavaScript frameworks – Node.js, Angular, Vue.js. You can learn more here: And this represents another advantage in complex projects.

React development cost in Ukraine

Outsourcing React development offshore is an efficient way to reduce development costs. We prepared a comparison of React developer salaries in different regions.

  • US – $130k/year
  • Canada – $120k/year
  • Germany – $60k/year
  • France – $45k/year
  • Ukraine – $30k/year

As the figures show, outsourcing to Ukraine can exponentially reduce the cost of React development and allow businesses to undertake more complex and expensive projects at a reasonable cost.

You can find a React development company from Ukraine online, ask for references or check on dedicated IT directories, such as Clutch or GoodFirms. As the demand for JavaScript engineers is growing fast, many US and EU companies hire React developers in Ukraine. These projects are highlighted on development companies’ profiles on It directories. And you can stop the best vendors with 5-star reviews.

Advantages of outsourced React development team

Hiring an outsourced React development team, as a business owner, you do not have any deep technical expertise. When you hire a top-notch provider for React.js development, you can be confident that the development company employs JavaScript experts and adhere to the best practices of modern app development. You do not also have to onboard the company’s employees on application management – that’s the job of the contractor.

Outsourcing helps entrepreneurs speed up the web development process by getting more talents to handle urgent tasks. There is no need for hiring and onboarding. Instead of relying only on internal resources, you can look for a contractor who is capable of completing an app project within the given time frame.

Plus, an outsourced dedicated team is likely to be experienced in working on projects similar to yours. Therefore, they need less learning time and can move through the development phases much faster than an in-house team.

By outsourcing, companies do not have to worry about handling any administrative matters. They only have to think of successful completion of the project while dedicated project managers deal with the paperwork, team building, and communication.

By outsourcing, business owners can go beyond the local talent pool. If hiring React web development talent is too expensive or the developers in your area are not well acquainted with the type of project you are working on, outsourcing is a perfect way to broaden the search area. You can easily find skilled React developers in Ukraine and other Eastern European countries, a region with rapidly developing talent pools.

React.js development’s perspectives

In the near future, app development with React will be popular as it allows the creation of reusable, scalable, and easy-to-manage applications. To increase efficiency and reduce development costs, businesses consider outsourcing talents. Hiring a dedicated team of React developers is one way to get the most out of the technology without losing focus on the company’s core business.

Choosing the right dedicated team of developers who know JavaScript and React can be a challenge. If you narrow your search to outsourcing to Ukraine you will still have dozens of companies with relevant expertise.

Focusing on vendors with experience in the development of similar tech solutions to yours and having great reviews will help you to choose the best Rect development company for your project.

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