5 Tips to Learning Computer Programming

Sep 13, 2022

Learning the art of computer programming can be quite cumbersome as programming is quite a wide subject. There are a number of reasons that people are interested in programming and they include; starting a new freelance career or to learn a skill that will increase their net worth in today’s competitive job markets. To get started on Learning Computer Programming, there are a few things one should know. They include:

1. Pick a programming language.

There are many different types of programming languages. Examples of top programming languages include; JavaScript, Python, C#, Java, PHP, Go, Swift and Rust. When deciding on the language to use, you should consider the market and see the trending language. Also when determining the language to use, you should ask yourself why you want to code. This is because your ultimate goal will determine the language you use. However, most of the languages are almost similar and share concepts.

2. Start with the basics.

It is important for one to familiarize with the fundamentals before jumping right into the advanced concepts. Learning the fundamentals of programming will help you understand comprehensively about programming. Do not be in a rush to try and create apps before understanding the basics. Failure to learn the fundamentals may pose a great challenge further along the line. A good foundation will help you become a better programmer.

3. Code by hand.

Even with the advancement in technology and software, coding by hand remains the most effective method. This is because it requires a lot of concentration, precision and caution as you cannot check to see if your work is correct halfway. During most job interviews you are required to code by hand hence you need to be proficient to get the job.

4. Learn by coding.

Playing with the code while learning will increase your understanding and help you remember the syntax when you implement it. You can come up with a project that you will build as you learn how to code. Reading is not the same as understanding. Something may look easy when you read but when it comes to implementing it, it becomes a difficult task. You can try to write a code by yourself or even run it. Teaching others to code will also help you to master the art of coding and become a pro at it. 

5. Seek help.

Read as many books as possible and seek out more online resources if you do not understand something. Do not confine yourself to one book or site. Ask for help when you need it and always be willing to learn from others because there is something that you do not know that a fellow programmer might know. Try as much as possible to be open-minded and creative.

Computer programming requires a lot of patience, hard work and time. Perseverance is also required as you will fail a lot of times but you should keep going and not give up. With the knowledge in programming, you can get jobs that pay you well.

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