7 tips for creating mobile-friendly content

Sep 26, 2022 , ,

Everywhere you look, you can see people on their phones. In the subway, at work, at school, literally everywhere. They are holding their little devices and surf the internet on almost every step. Smartphone addiction is a common thing nowadays; the first thing most of us do in the morning is to check our phones. If people have enough time, they stay in bed longer only to go through social media, newspapers, or websites for online shopping.

It’s clear that most people use their phones when visiting websites; that’s why content on your website has to be mobile-friendly. You are not sure how to do that? Don’t worry; we are here to help you.

How to make websites mobile-friendly?

1. Make your headline catchy

It would be great if your headline is short, and it has to contain the precise topic of the article. It has to be catchy because it needs to attract traffic to your site.

2. Make a clear introduction

On average, visitors spend no more than three minutes on the website. That’s why you can’t afford to waste their time with a lengthy introduction full of unnecessary information. If they notice that the introduction is too long and can’t understand it well, they will probably leave the site immediately. You have to make a clear introduction, present what the article is about in the first paragraph, and you should make the visitor curious so they will continue reading your content.

3. Separate the text into paragraphs

When your content is just one long paragraph, you won’t catch the attention of the reader. It will be difficult for visitors to find what they need. Sometimes, they are not interested in the whole text, and they just need one piece of information, and they won’t bother reading the entire article.

4. Make the pieces of information easy to find

It would help if you used subheadings that would catch the attention of visitors. Also, your paragraphs should contain one idea, and they shouldn’t be too long or too short. You should write no less than two sentences and no more than six. The more sentences you write, the more space your paragraph takes, and then it might be illegible. Use the highlights, point out the most important part of the text.

5. Place the CTA at the beginning

If you use the CTA (call to action), you want to encourage people to take some actions on your website to bring you profit. It would be best to put your CTA at the beginning of the text or at least in the middle of it. So, if your website visitors decide to buy something for you or hire you, they can act right away.

6. Insert videos and images

When you add images and videos to your content, you are shortening the length of your text. Also, people process visual content much faster, so you will be able to present your product or services in a short time, and visitors of your site will understand better what you are offering.

7. Preview before you publish

Always check your content before you decide to publish it. Make sure that it is readable to the phone users too. Preview before publishing will allow you to correct some mistakes if there are any. You will be able to see if your text is easy to understand and break the text into paragraphs if necessary or add more subheadings and images.

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