3 Tips For Promoting Your Podcast

Oct 11, 2022

As podcasts become one of the most popular forms of digital media and entertainment, more people than ever are starting podcasts alone, with friends, or for their business. Podcasts are a great way to express yourself creatively like never before, as well as a great tool for promoting yourself or your brand to a large audience. One challenge that many people encounter in the early stages of producing a podcast is that they are unsure how to promote it to an audience in a way that ensures success.

With the right knowledge and tools, promoting a podcast can be easy. Whether you’re hosting a show with your close friends or have created a podcast to promote a company like Haines, there is an audience out there that is ready to listen to what you have to say – you just need to find them.

Here are a few simple tips for promoting a podcast.

Find the Right Guests

Inviting guests to join you for an episode of a podcast is one of the best ways to promote your show, as it will give this person’s audience an incentive to tune in, and that person is likely to promote your podcast on their social media platforms, exposing your show to a new audience. Find a guest who is appropriate in size and relevance to the topic or idea your podcast or a particular episode is centered on, and be sure to create marketing material to send to them for promotion (this could include photos or videos from the recording process, or a printed quote that will appeal to the audience).

Promote on Social Media

To help your podcast gain exposure, be sure to share a link to the first or most recent episode across all of your personal and professional social media platforms – and ask your friends, family, or colleagues to do the same. This is the best way to ensure that your podcast will reach the maximum number of individual listeners, plus this method of promotion is 100% free!

Submit to Streaming Services

Another key to making sure that your podcast is available to the maximum number of listeners possible is by allowing it to stream on as many platforms as possible. iTunes or Apple Music and Spotify are the two most popular streaming platforms but don’t forget about Soundcloud, and other sites that stream only podcasts such as Stitcher.

Promoting a podcast can be difficult, and is often a process of trial and error. Having patience and maintaining consistency in promoting episodes is the biggest key to success.

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