Here’s an Excellent Guide to Creating Amazing Facebook Video Ads

Nov 14, 2022 ,

When you are scrolling through your Facebook feed, you often stop when you come across a video ad. Let’s face it; no matter how much you don’t want to, it is difficult not to check them out because they are so eye-catching. As a matter of fact, the Facebook Video ads have turned out to be more engaging than any other kind of social media ads or content. As per Facebook, statistics show that as compared to static content on Instagram and Facebook, people are more likely to stare at a video ad five minutes longer. What does this tell you? It means that one of the most effective ways of promoting your business to the billions of users on Facebook is by creating video ads.

Thus, when you are developing your campaign for marketing on Facebook, you should consider giving video ads a try. How do you do that? The first step is obviously to make a video. When you are filming a video, you should not forget the importance of quality. Use the best equipment, make sure the area is well-lit (whether lighting is natural or artificial), buy a cheap tripod for stability and go with a white background for showcasing your products. Yes, these are the basics and you can find them out with a little research.

But, what can be done to ensure that your Facebook Video ads are able to garner views, constantly get the attention of your audience and also encourage them to make a purchase? Read on to find out how you can create amazing Facebook video ads:

Use the ads to tell a story

The video ad that you create needs to resonate with your target audience in order to have the desired impact and the only way it can happen is when they tell a story. Who doesn’t love a good story? When you are telling a story that your audience can relate to, it is more likely that they will pay attention to it and will eventually convert. How do you tell a story with a Facebook video ad? You can start by asking a question and leading from there.

In order to make it effective, you need to think about the problems and hurdles that your customers face and come up with a story for your video ad regarding those points. Bear in mind that a conflict is what makes a story interesting and engaging and it ends on a solution i.e. your product or service. A good story will do its job by capturing the attention of your audience, drawing them in and stay in their mind later on.

Immediately grab attention

The most important part of your Facebook video ad are the first couple of seconds. They will determine if the ad will work or it won’t. Facebook video ads are supposed to be short and it is recommended by online marketers to not make them longer than 30 seconds. These days, people have very short attention spans and when an ad catches their eye, they will only watch the first couple of seconds before moving on. Therefore, use ingredients that grab attention immediately, such as adding a fun animation or using bright colors.

Also, once you have grabbed your audience’s attention, you should immediately get to the point. Yes, you may prefer to unveil your product in a dramatic way at the end of the video ad, but not everyone is going to watch till the end. It is best to get to the point straight away. Even if viewers don’t watch the video till the end, they will get your message.

Optimize the ads for silence

There was a time when silent films were all the rage and they are still playing their role in the form of Facebook video ads. Statistics indicate that nearly 85% of Facebook videos are viewed without sound. This is due to the fact that most people are accessing Facebook via their smartphones. Thus, they are in public most of the time and don’t wish to disturb others around them. Therefore, when creating video ads, it is essential to optimize them for silence.

You can test your ads to see if they make sense without any sound. Can people understand what you are trying to say just by looking at the ads and not hearing anything? In order to ensure the ads make sense, you can add some text to explain what is happening. This might keep people watching till the end. Use stunning imagery, turn on captions in your video settings and add text overlays to the video ads as this ensures they can watch the ads and understand them when they are on silent.

Use static images in videos

If you don’t have any quality product videos or you don’t have the equipment for filming, it doesn’t mean that you cannot use Facebook video ads. Engaging ads can still be created by using any static images that you have of your products. Facebook’s Video Creation Kit provides you with the feature of converting your static images into a proper video ad. There is even a template available with this Facebook tool that enables you to upload a static image and then add motion to it. With these new features, it has become easier than ever for businesses to create the Facebook Video ads they need to have a powerful impact on their audience.

You need to remember that when you are creating a Facebook video ad, your goal is not just to show off your product; you need to do a lot more than that. As there is so much social media content available these days, you have to create ads that help you stand out of the crowd and enable your audience to connect with your business. The tips outlined above can be immensely helpful in creating just the right video ads that you can use on Facebook to capture the attention of your audience and then deliver the message effectively.

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