5 Foolproof Methods of Generating Leads via Social Media

Nov 9, 2022

In today’s competitive market, every business is trying to cut costs and increase revenue without neglecting any important aspects. Therefore, they are trying to find cheap and low cost alternatives for every activity, which also include lead generation. Do you want to know the least expensive and also the easiest way of generating leads for your business? The simple solution is none other than social media. A business’s entire target audience is using one form of social media or another. As a matter of fact, statistics reveal that there are 2.27 billion monthly active users of Facebook, as of the third quarter last year.

Therefore, if your business is not spending more time and attention on social media, you need to start doing it right away. The problem is that most businesses are not aware of how to use social media to their advantage. You need to understand that putting up a profile and then expecting things to happen for your business is very unrealistic. It is essential to figure out how social media can be used for generating solid leads. The good news is that even if you are new to this area, there are various simple yet powerful tactics that you can use.

Listed below are 5 foolproof methods that you can use for generating leads via social media;

Optimizing your profile

First and foremost, you should not make the mistake of using a personal page for promoting or advertising your business. No matter what social media network you are using, create a business profile because it will give you access to extra features that help your business grow. For instance, if you create a business profile on Instagram, you will be able to link your Instagram Stories to your website, which will increase sales and traffic.

Another option that comes highly recommended by experts is to use an email marketing service for adding a Facebook Sign Up tab. There are several options you will find, such as Mailchimp. When creating your business page, you should also add the links of your website in your bio. In addition, the most relevant, popular and important posts should also be pinned to the top of your profile.

Advertise gated content

Gated content means exactly that; content that is gated. Put simply, you can hide content behind a virtual gate and users will only be able to access this content when they provide you with their personal information. One of the best ways of growing your email list is to advertise this gated content on your social media account. Thus, if you have upgraded the content on your website, you can share it through your social media profiles on a regular basis.

In the case that you don’t have any gated content as yet, you can use a free tool, such as Canva, for creating it. There are numerous items that can be turned into gated content, such as guides, PDF checklist, template, calendar, and a lot more. The only thing you need to remember is to ensure the content you offer is relevant to the industry and something that will interest your customers.

Host a live video or webinar

Another foolproof method that you can use for generating leads is by hosting a live video or a webinar on Instagram or Facebook. People are always willing to take up the opportunity of joining a free webinar where they will be able to get some useful and valuable insights. Generally, live videos can be immensely useful for connecting with your audience because it allows your customers to interact with you in real-time. Not only should you conduct these live videos and webinars, you should also promote them through all of your social media accounts, not just the one where you are holding them.

You do have the option of presenting the webinar as a form of gated content, which means that users will have to sign up for accessing it. This means that they will have to enter their email address and you will be able to capture their information. It is also an option to leave the webinar open and let a wide audience enjoy it. You can use it for directing them to a landing page or special offers where they will sign up.

Organize a contest

Holding a contest on social media and offering a prize the audience would love to win, a business is able to encourage a lot of interaction and a ton of shares, which brings in more leads. One option you can explore is to organize a photo contest. A business can ask its followers to submit their photos and their information or its website and the winner is chosen according to the number of votes received by the photo. Participants can also be encouraged to share the contest post with their family and friends. Also, participants can encourage their near and dear ones to return to your page time and time again for voting purposes.

Utilize paid social ads

Rather than using social media for posting content and hoping your audience will find it, you can take advantage of paid social media ads on Instagram and Facebook. This will put your brand name right in front of their eyes and this empowers you to target users based on their interests and demographics. This guarantees that your target audience will see the ads. You can also make use of retargeting, which allows businesses to display ads to those users who have previously visited its website. With retargeting, it is possible to lure back abandoning visitors. You will not lose any leads in this way and can actually ‘follow’ them around the web until they are convinced to come back to your website.

In the last few years, social media platforms have become more than just branding exercises for businesses. They have moved over and beyond them to become leading sales and relationship management platforms. Great social media companies Dubai state that by filtering leads through great content, you will be able to generate high volumes of sales and revenues, directly from social media platforms.

Initially, social media may have been a place only used for interacting with friends and family, but now it has expanded and businesses can use it effectively for generating leads. These foolproof tips will allow you to use the numerous platforms for generating a ton of leads.

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