Learn About TooFav, a Newly Launched E-Commerce Website

Nov 10, 2022

t is always better to have a seamless experience with an e-commerce website as based on that customers can break or make an impression. Hence, this newly launched website is in the market competition to match up to the expectation with its unique features.

The e-commerce industry is booming year after year and it has no stop. The relevance of e-commerce websites were never been so notably considered as it is being in the present time. The realm’s growth rate in 2020 was 40% and it will prominently grow in the coming days. The prime reason supporting the growth is that these websites have made people’s lives more convenient than ever. All their necessities are being delivered to their doorsteps within a short time frame at affordable costs. As a result, these online selling and buying platforms are gaining the faith of the global audience. However, over the years there have been very many e-commerce platforms making their place in the market. With days, the numbers increased and so as the competition.

Where some e-commerce platforms kept up with the fierce competition, and few were submerged for not coping up to the mark. Revenue is not the sole reason for its dooming status. Instead, their website presentation and development kept them behind.

Making adequate revenue is the core of every business but to earn that, there are many ladders to climb. The first step is to build a unique e-commerce website which is easy to navigate and most significantly user-friendly. Keeping the past and present scenarios into consideration, Toofav is a platform developed with detailing to cover the needs of its customers. Features of e-commerce sites are what make them unique from the others and thus, this newly launched website are pulling it off from their end which can be notably appreciated.

No doubt it is hard to make an impression on your website for online customers. It takes 3 seconds for an online visitor to think and rethink about a specific website. These few seconds are the game changer of whether customers will continue to stick to the website or continue to surf the internet to find the perfect one.

TooFav is not just an e-commerce platform, but it is a platform for all where sellers can make their business whereas shoppers can buy as per their needs. A well-developed website increases the dwell time metrics, e-commerce conversion rate and e-commerce business. And to achieve all these three metrics, TooFav did curate some amazing features that keep it unique from the mundane.

So, let us discuss those special features that make the e-commerce website, Toofav different.

An Explicit User-Friendly Design

Perhaps it is the most crucial feature above all. If customers or visitors do not find a specific website user-friendly, they will not remain on the page for a longer term. When people enter a website, the first thing that clicks in their mind is whether they are well-navigated throughout the website or not. Considering they struggle to get the information as intended, they will likely swift on to one of the many online selling platforms without even a second thought! TooFav is just doing a fine job where it making a user-friendly design to help its visitors navigate in the website without being confused. It is easy to use and quick that makes it ideal for online visitors undoubtedly.

Well Structured Mobile Application

With the growth of the technological domain, people are highly reliant on mobile devices. The study states that on average people spends at least five hours regularly on their phone. The reason is crystal clear that smartphones have become a mandatory device in the daily lives of people. Be it news or entertainment, social media or any form of communication, each and everything is available on that 6.5 inches screen. Keeping the daily necessity and lifestyle, TooFav has its own application. The design fits every android and IOS device smoothly with all the required e-commerce guidelines. More than 56% of Indian customers purchases mobile phones yearly. In other words, this percentage does not have any descending range as neither technological innovation will stop nor will the usage. In order to keep the conversion rate intact and global customers happy, TooFav’s app is decked up to serve the needs of the people. The hard work that is required to be done is downloading the application from Google Play Store.

Multiple Payment System

Abandoning the shopping cart filled with products is often an issue for many customers. Online shoppers remain negligible and delay in finally placing orders because payment options often create barriers. Even the top e-commerce companies also lack behind in this stage due to which they lose abundant customers in bulk. Hence, to improve and seal the deal on the payment page, TooFav has made a swift payment procedure with multiple payment criteria. This makes it flexible for the customers to make payments with ease. These compel and encourage customers to press the purchase button without a thought.

Professional 24*7 Customer Support

Proper customer support is where people curate a thought about the brand. Significantly it is a big part of creating a successful customer experience. As per analysis, more than 75% of customers consider customer support as one of the most vital parts of a running business. Additionally, customers’ purchasing decision highly relies on this factor. So, this website TooFav has not left a mark to lack behind in the competition and it has a highly skilled professional customer support team gettable round the clock to help customers at once.

Proper CMS Integration

CMS integration is one of the many important features of e-commerce websites. It is the main feature which holds and maintains all the visuals and written content and marketing documentation in place. This crafted information can however be edited before finally publishing. Once done, this information gets reflected on the e-commerce websites. CMS additionally helps the employees to actively react to the issues and tickets raised by the customers. It is beyond doubt that TooFav has it all for the people and its employees to make the process easygoing.

Proper Product Showcase and its Description

Along with simplicity in the website, it is mandatory for the website to be visibly attractive and have adequate information. Here information means the details about the products. It is the descriptions and visuals of the products that encourage online shoppers to make the final call of whether they will be buying a product or not. Keeping the significance of the concept, TooFav ensures to put down all the relevant information about the products enlisted by the sellers. This makes it easier for the customers to get a detailed insight into the products they are willing to buy. When they open a product and continue to see the different product details like:

– What are the products are about

– The ingredients of the products

– The product’s length, height, breadth and weight

– The product’s warning policy and so on.

The above-mentioned valuable information makes it immensely easy for customers to make a purchasing decision. Many e-commerce websites tend to avoid or put minimal product information. However, fewer are aware of the effect it is creating on their business niche! TooFav is not only technologically sound but also ensures it provides all the relevant information which is useful for global online customers to make a purchasing decision.

Open to Feedback

It is not always possible to judge your own website as doing that will merely make any difference. The real-time users are the one who visits the webpage and creates a thought or impression. Thus, a website must be flexible enough to accept all the reviews given by real-time users that are the online customers. Be it a great shopping experience or an issue faced by them, a brand must be knowing it all. This makes the user experience and the website more proficient.

Consider how you can obtain and show customer feedback since it is always beneficial for giving your website more credibility. Customers may have the ability to upload their video reviews and product photographs to the website, in addition to textual reviews and product unboxings. On the home page, you can also have a comment carousel with links to the merchandise that has been reviewed. These are what make TooFav special.

TooFav for Sellers

TooFav is a promising website which is not solely buyer centric but it additionally has space for global buyers. Being in the business run, the brand comprehends the legitimate condition of the selling business among the fierce competition. There has been considerable growth in the market competition and staying on track is somewhat challenging. In the end, the best remains intact while the rest fades in making a mark. Hence, to aid those sellers who have been trying to grow their business but lacking behind due to the fierce competition, TooFav is giving a chance to them to expand their business in the online domain. However, the business is flexible making it an equal opportunity for new and big-time sellers. With dedicated product listing support, sellers can now list their products in proper categories without any hassle.

Bottom Line

With these key features, TooFav is all set to satisfy customers and sellers, even the pickiest ones. It is a sound professional e-commerce platform made to help small to big sellers grow their businesses and for online shoppers to stay trendy with the purchase of the most delinquent products.

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