Why You Need to Try Light Therapy Glasses

Nov 18, 2022

Sliding on a set of light therapy glasses will feel like you are transporting to the future. As you turn them on to emit a bright blue-green light from the top of the glasses over your eyes, it may feel quite odd at first.

The initial novelty will stir a giggle; however, the glasses aren’t just a futuristic costume piece from a sci-fi film. Blue-green light emissions can be therapeutic and claim to improve your sleep cycles, mood and general wellbeing.

The blue-green light technology is designed to emulate sunlight, activating your body’s positive response to light and aligning your circadian rhythm. If you have ever wondered why you tend to feel sleepier at certain parts of the day, such as just after lunchtime, you have your circadian rhythm to thank.

The part of your brain that regulates circadian rhythm is called the hypothalamus, and external factors such as light and darkness are very influential upon its processes. This is why our internal cycle programs us to sleep during the dark hours and wake during the light hours.

However, for many, sleeping is not a simple task, particularly when it is difficult to establish a routine. Light therapy glasses may assist those who find falling asleep during the darker hours to be difficult, whether it be due to travel, shift work, or living in a place that doesn’t see a lot of light in the winter months.

People in these situations have likely tried and tested many methods to try to reset their body clock, however, light therapy glasses are a modern device that many may not have heard of.

The ease and convenience of light therapy glasses mean that putting them on can easily become part of your morning routine. It is recommended that the glasses are worn for no more than 60 minutes a day, and being portable, wearing the glasses mean you aren’t stuck in one spot during this time.

Amazing Gadgets – Light Therapy Glasses!

The glasses are unobtrusive and don’t obscure your vision, so you can still go about your daily tasks with ease. Designed with ergonomics in mind, many light therapy glasses are light and sleek in style, which also makes getting in the habit of wearing them easier.

Their compact size means that avid travelers can easily fit them in their luggage. This can help travelers to combat jet lag and adjust to new time zones so they can hit the ground running.

Many light glasses on the market also come with an app that you can easily manage from your smartphone, personalizing the light therapy glasses to your own needs. The app can assist to schedule your sessions of use, enhance your routine and monitor any improvements. If you are looking for a pair, we would recommend reading this review of the best light therapy glasses from InspirelivingHQ, to guarantee that you get the pair that is most suited for you!

The benefits that come from a good night’s sleep will allow you to start your day with gusto and a great mood, meaning the rest of your daily tasks and interactions can be approached with ease. However, if you are unsure whether light therapy will suit you, or if you are concerned about any sleep-related health issues, you may wish to chat to an expert for their advice and to determine the best remedy for your circumstances.

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