What to do when you can’t find a buyer for your business?

Jan 5, 2023

A buyer for your business can be found online in today’s digital world. Even in highly specialized fields, the internet provides various channels through which business owners can meet prospective customers. The internet is a fantastic tool, but additional offline channels exist to locate customers. We’ll break down your options for finding a buyer so you can pick the best one for your business.

Ask your current business partners and employees

Selling to a business partner or an employee is a simple approach to ensure a smooth transfer. They understand the industry and are naturally drawn to it. The asking price is a potential minefield in such a deal. Whether or not you’re willing to give a “discount” to a friend or family member, it’s still a good idea to know market rates. When selling to a friend or acquaintance, a business valuation can be an excellent resource for setting a fair price.

Networks and listings in your area

Local alternatives like Craigslist and word-of-mouth can be great if you want to unload your business without spending much money. Across the United States, Craigslist has localized websites for both major metropolitan areas and smaller towns. Posting ads is free, and they will show up in searches for anyone to see.

Classified ads on online listing sites

Selling your business online using a listing site is one of the most accessible and simple methods. These websites are essentially specialized internet markets where enterprises are bought and sold. You, the vendor, can make an ad based on a premade template, and buyers can discover your business by browsing the site or conducting targeted searches based on parameters like location, industry, price, and more. Sometimes, brokers will use such platforms as part of their service to you, even if you’re working with one.

Professional business brokers

Selling a business with the help of a broker is similar to selling a house with the help of a real estate agent. It is highly recommended that first-time sellers work with a broker. Using a broker is the best option if you want to sell your business but don’t want the public to know about it. The perfect buyer can be found swiftly with the help of an experienced broker’s personal network and an extensive understanding of advertising your business.

The International Business Brokers Association is a fantastic resource for finding a qualified business broker. You can use the IBBA website to look up certified members in your location and field.


You grew your business, it took you time to build and win over customers, so when it is time to sell don’t get stressed! Do not feel obligated to settle on just one method of finding a buyer, as numerous methods are available. In addition to networking, you might also try an online marketplace or professional business broker. Before putting the business on the market, you can talk with a key employee about taking the helm. Remember that you have alternatives; if one strategy isn’t producing results, try something else.

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