Tips For Using WhatsApp Business For Your Marketing Needs

Sep 10, 2022 ,

Not to be confused with WhatsApp, WhatsApp Business is a separate app designed for businesses. It includes all the features of the regular WhatsApp platform plus valuable business features such as verified profiles, smart messaging tools, and analytics. With millions of active users, WhatsApp Business is a very useful tool, and many businesses – big and small – use it for marketing purposes.

Here are some tips for using WhatsApp Business for your marketing needs also.

Take Advantage of Broadcast Messaging

The WhatsApp broadcast message feature is a feature that allows accounts to send messages to multiple contacts at once. This is a handy time-saving feature that lets you reach more people with your marketing message.

To start using this feature, first, create a broadcast list by clicking on the “Broadcast Lists” tab. From there, you can add up to 256 contacts and send messages about things like new products and services, sales and promotions, or general information about your business to all of them at once.

To make things even easier, segment your broadcast lists into relevant categories. For instance, separate regular customer contacts from new phone number leads as these are different groups that require different marketing messages.

Use Attractive Visuals

WhatsApp is a visual app and people are used to seeing images, videos, and GIFs in their chats. This means that your marketing visuals need to be on point if you want them to stand out from the rest.

Make sure your images are high quality, relevant to your brand, and properly sized for WhatsApp. You don’t want them to be too small or too large as they will either not be seen properly or take up too much space in the chat.

As for videos, keep them short and sweet – no longer than 15-30 seconds. And prioritize making thumbnail images attractive as it is often the first thing people see when they scroll through their chats for previews.

Make Use of Status Updates

WhatsApp business accounts also have a “Status” feature which lets you share text, photos, and videos with your contacts for 24 hours. This is another great way to market your products and services or share special offers and deals with your audience.

To update your status, simply click on the “Status” tab and select the content you want to share. Remember again that your status updates will disappear after 24 hours, so make sure they’re timely and relevant.

You can also use this feature to drive traffic to your website or blog. Simply include a link in your status update and people who see it will be able to click on it and be taken directly to your site.

WhatsApp Business is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to reach a large audience with your marketing message. By taking advantage of features like broadcast messaging and status updates, you can more easily connect with your customers and promote your business.

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