How to Keep Track of Passwords: 7 Effective Tips

Sep 29, 2022

Many things in life require a password, including your phones, computers, and other password-protected items needed to secure your personal information. The issue with having all of these passwords is keeping track of them.

How to keep track of passwords is a common issue for a lot of people. In this article, we will provide you with tips that will help you keep up with all of the passwords that you have to remember to log into your various accounts.

1. Keep A Spreadsheet Of Passwords

One of the best ways to keep track of all of the passwords that you have is to create a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet should list the platform that the password is linked too.

We recommend keeping this list written down in a safe place. Primarily because if the spreadsheet is saved on your computer and your computer is hacked or crashes, then all of your passwords would be easily accessible. Printing out a list of all of your passwords ensures that your the only one that knows where it is and that you can access it at any time.

2. Have A Memory-Jogging Security Question

One way to keep track of passwords is by having security questions that jog your memory. Many sites that require you to use a password also require you to answer specific questions if you forget your password.

Whichever question you choose during the setup of your account should be something simple: when you need to remember the password, you realize the correlation between the question and the password.

3. Use The Same Password In Different Ways

An easy way to remember a password is to use the same password except for different variations of it. This could mean changing the letter that is capitalized or adding in a different symbol.

Whatever you choose to change at the end of it, all the password is still technically the same. You would need to notate somewhere the changes that have been made to each password.

4. Don’t Use Basic Passwords

Refrain from using overly simple passwords. These passwords are not going past the strength test of the site, but they also make it easier for someone to hack into your account.

Your password doesn’t need to be overly complicated, but it doesn’t need to be simple, so anyone can guess what it is.

5. Use The AutoFill Feature

On most platforms, when you set up and account, you can utilize the autofill feature. If you find that you’re not the type of person to write down, all of your passwords using autofill could be beneficial.

What happens is that you log in the first time and be prompted to be remembered by the site. Press yes; from that moment on, whenever you log in, it’s automatic. If you feel this method of remembering a password isn’t the safest, you can always add another level of authentication, such as a fingerprint login or having the site send you a code to log in.

Ensure your device has enough storage space for all of your passwords.

6. Use Digital File Encryption

If you must keep your passwords saved on your computer, you must find some way to encrypt the files. This enables the fact that you’ll be the only person able to view the file.

When you choose to encrypt the document, you can also set up a shortcut key to ensuring that you’re the only one that knows the way to get to the file. Many methods can be taken to hide the data from prying eyes.

7. Use A Password Manager Application

The purpose of a password application manager is to help you keep track of every password you’ve got to use. Many applications offer digital vaults to customers that keep track of your passwords and organize them in an order that is beneficial to your needs.

However, its worth noting that some of the applications that are offered do come with a minor price to pay for using their services.

How To Come Up With A Strong Password

When you come up with a password, its vital to come up with one that is strong, but not challenging to remember. Use random phrases throughout your password. This makes your password less predictable and harder for a hacker to figure out.

Its also recommended that the characters you use throughout your password shouldn’t follow each other in numerical or alphabetical order.

Use A Variety Of Symbols

When you’re coming up with your password, its recommended that you use uppercase, lowercase, symbols, and numbers throughout your passwords. When you create your password, sprinkle all of these different characters throughout your password.

This is where using the same password and changing the characters comes in handy because it’s easy to remember without the password being the same for every platform that you use.

Refrain From Using Personal Information

It’s crucial that when you’re creating your password, you don’t include your personal information. This would be things like your first or last name and your birthday. This makes your password easy to crack.

Most sites may detect that you’ve used your name or birthdate and prompt you to change the password choices that you’ve made.

Update Your Password

Many businesses have a feature built into their systems that require employees to change their passwords every couple of months. When it comes to your passwords, the same method should be used.

Updating your passwords often can reduce the likelihood of your computer being hacked and personal information stolen. It helps to add a layer of protection for keeping your information secure and safe at all times.

How to Keep Track of Passwords: Is Your Password Secure?

When you think of how to keep track of passwords, there are many ways to achieve this. We hope that the tips we have provided above are helpful and prove to be beneficial when it comes to keeping track of your passwords.

If you’re looking for software to install on your devices that will allow you to keep track of passwords, check out the passwords offered on the site.

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