Simple Tips to Boost Email Marketing Performance

Oct 11, 2022 ,

One of the most effective ways for businesses to market their services is none other than email. Lots of people were under the misconception that email is no longer relevant. This couldn’t be more far from the truth as email is more relevant than ever and businesses should dedicate a small portion of their budget to email marketing. This form of marketing can provide a return on investment of worth 28.5 percent, which is substantial. However, some businesses do implement this marketing technique and are unable to realize its full benefits.

If you are faced with the same situation, you can use the simple tips mentioned below for boosting your email marketing performance:

Give a personal touch to your email content

Even though a large number of marketers are aware of the advantages of personalization, a lot of them still don’t take it seriously. One of the best ways that you can increase the effectiveness of email marketing is by personalizing email content. Statistics have revealed that the transaction rates offered by personalized email is six times higher as compared to emails that are without personalized content. Studies have also been conducted, which show that when personalization is part of an email’s content, the click-through rates and conversion rates are 14% and 10% higher, respectively.

The problem is that most businesses believe that adding the name of the client/contact in the content is enough for personalization. This is certainly not a perfect strategy and most subscribers are now well-aware of this tactic. Therefore, you need to move to the next level of personalization. This involves segmenting your audience into groups so relevant content can be sent to every group.

Avoid using certain words

The purpose of spam filters is to ensure the audience doesn’t have to deal with malicious content. Nowadays, spammers have picked up on the words that businesses would usually use for reaching out to their customers. As a result, filters are getting more and more sophisticated in order to ensure only genuine content is able to get access to inboxes. Nonetheless, there may be times when a business’s email is considered as malicious and may never reach the target.

In order to prevent it from happening, you need to avoid the use of certain words that the filters regard as spam. For instance, there are keywords, such as 50 percent off, bargain and more that will get your email redirected to the spam folder. If there is a typical spam word that’s relevant to your content and you wish to use it, you need to get creative when it comes to the email’s subject. Furthermore, you should not use more than one high-level spam word in the email’s subject line and the content. This can bring down the chances of your email being sent to the spam folder.

Alter the timings of your emails

The purpose of this tip is to help businesses in catching people who are just about to check their emails or are already in the process of doing so. This ensures that your email is on the top of their inbox. The chances of an email being read fall if there is more time between you sending the email and the customer checking it. Moreover, businesses don’t want to send their promotional content at the same time as other brands and businesses.

Hence, your best option may be to send your emails on a weekend. According to research, most businesses don’t start their email campaigns on the weekend, which means you will have to deal with less competition. Also, more and more people are now checking their emails on the weekends than they did before, thanks to the use of smartphones, which have improved accessibility.

Make sure you re developing an engaged email list

You will come across many entrepreneurs and businesses that are bragging about their long email lists. While there is no harm in taking pride in this accomplishment, you should be aware that the length doesn’t really matter. Long lists are of no use if the subscribers are not engaged. There are several ways you can use for ensuring that your entire email list is engaged. You will have to remove any inactive and old subscribers, but eventually it will work in your favor because it will allow you to conduct more profitable campaigns.

So, how do you refine your email list? First and foremost, you need to take a look at addresses that have bounced thrice or more times. You should ensure that it is not a typo that’s responsible for this, such as ‘.con’ used in the place of ‘.com’. Another option is to take advantage of email verification services. These services are useful for identifying emails that are inactive or bounce. Plus, you can also use them for removing spam traps, which are old emails used by ISPs for identifying businesses that send spam content.

Prioritize email optimization for mobile

While every study indicates a different number for people who use their mobiles for accessing email, it can be safely said that smartphones have become the top choice of people when it comes to checking emails. Only a handful of users will use a desktop client for opening their email. Therefore, it is recommended that you optimize your email for mobile. If your campaign doesn’t come off properly on mobile, your emails will not be read and no action will be taken. Keep the subject lines short, use a larger font and use an appropriate email design.

For more than a decade, email marketing has remained as one of the most profitable types of digital marketing and is the best option to explore for growing your business. You can use the above mentioned tips for optimizing your campaign because this helps in maximizing potential revenue. Don’t fall into the common traps and make sure that you make the right changes to your campaign in order to improve email performance and get the desired results.

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