5 Tech Skills Entrepreneurs Should Learn In 2022

Oct 13, 2022 ,

The business landscape is constantly evolving in the 21st century – particularly in the technological sector. Tech is being integrated into business startups now more than ever, with almost all businesses operating on online platforms to a certain degree. Even businesses that have nothing to do with technology are introducing tech to monitor several aspects, such as consumption patterns and costs, to optimize their businesses better. In the face of such fierce competition, aspiring and existing entrepreneurs need to stay up to date with the latest tech trends and skills so that they can cater to their customers’ needs head-on.

If you are lost about where to begin, we have got you covered! We have rounded up a list of five skills that we believe are essential for every entrepreneur to know in 2022. Let’s get started.


Coding is one of the most in-demand and beneficial tech skills you could learn in 2022. It is essential for programmers and enables you to build software and websites. As an entrepreneur, becoming an expert in coding will allow you to develop your own apps to cater to your customers, build your website, or tweak apps and websites according to your choice. Normally, in order to do these, you will have to hire a professional programmer who may or may not charge big bucks for these. Instead of paying to hire a professional, you could enroll in coding schools like Bay Valley Tech and learn this skill yourself.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is the ability of machines to perform tasks commonly associated with humans – such as independent decision-making. This technology has enabled companies to automate their more monotonous tasks. As a result, companies can not only boost productivity but also save a significant amount of time, effort and costs. According to a study, companies can save around $35,000 annually if they apply AI correctly to their business. That is a huge amount of money! Acquiring sufficient knowledge of AI and how it works will allow you to manage your AI team better and, at times, even pitch in with your own ideas.

Data Analytics

Data analytics or big data is the skill that allows you to analyze numbers regarding past and current consumer trends, cost trends, and so on. With the help of this analysis, you can make more effective decisions and even predict future trends, for instance, likely changes in consumer tastes. However, online tools and basic knowledge won’t let you reap the full benefits. You need to learn the science behind the numbers to understand what the statistics mean, their likely implications, and what decisions you should make.

This skill will allow you to turn your sales into loyal customers. Furthermore, it will enable you to remodel your business and better cater to your customers, analyze where you can save costs and where to invest next.

Data scientists are high in demand and charge a high fee. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual salary of Data Scientists is around $108,660. Knowing the skill well will allow you to make the right hiring choices. This is particularly important because these individuals will be going through all of your data, and you need to be able to trust the person and their skills to feel comfortable in the process

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the technology that works to ensure online visibility to the right audience. When done right, this enables you to improve your website traffic, improve engagement on social media, and rank higher in search engine results. Although it is a rather underrated skill, it can make a big difference. An article shows that SEO reduced up to 87% of the cost of customer acquisition. SEO has various intricacies, such as posting periodically, ensuring the right keywords, and keeping your posts’ word count to a specified limit. In order to implement this strategy effectively, you need to learn the skill properly so you can create proper SEO strategies and compete online.


Blockchain technology is mainly used to facilitate cryptocurrency trading. Simply put, it is a safe data storage tech that records your data in a network of blocks distributed among the nodes of a peer-to-peer network. When each block fills up to maximum storage capacity, it is locked and linked to the previous block(s), hence forming a chain – blockchain. The safety of blockchain is guaranteed because of its linear or chronological style of storage. Each block has its own timestamp, and when it’s locked, it’s not easy to go back and make changes unless the peers of that specific blockchain agree to do so. Each block is assigned its specific mathematical identification, called a hash. In case of breaches or hacking attempts, the hacker’s version of the blockchain will not align with the other members’ version. This will make the hacker’s version stand out and be considered illegitimate. Safety is the key factor that makes blockchain a very important skill to learn, as it can ensure all your transactions stay safe and in one place.


Whether you choose to acquire introductory knowledge in the field of technology or seek to become an expert, you and your business are sure to experience immense benefits. Since you’ll be an expert in crucial tech skills, hiring and supervising the right people won’t be a major challenge. Not only will you be able to boost your productivity and save costs, but you will also have loyal, happy customers and a bank of new ones owing to your efficient and up-to-date services.

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